Sunday, July 18, 2010

Crazy Orientation Week, Funny Juniors and Lunatic Seniors

Why the title if this blog post is weird and catchy??
Let E inform you..

On 28th of June..
All the juniors from all around Malaysia registered at Kolej Teknologi Timur especially JPA scholars..
The MPP's and Fasilitators were busy that week for the orientation for juniors..
All of us have to prepare everything such as activities and practice for them and I was in Ricky's group..
Group 2..
I was not alone while conducting the orientation..
Amy, Nader, Reena and Ru Ren also helped Ricky and I to conduct the orientation with juniors in our group..
At first, all of them were quiet and control in front of us so we were scared that if they can't perform according to our expectation to perform showchoir..
So, we have to show something that they shouldn't be scared and shy to us..
That is being crazy..HAHA..

So we were dancing, making silly jokes and doing crazy stuffs...Adoi..malunyerrr..hehe..
Then, day by day they were feeling comfortable with us and they started to practice like a crazy juniors and the result..........
Our Group..Group 2..GAGA-Go and Get Awesome..
2nd place for performance for Orientation and we also have our Princess of KTT in our Group-Geraldine..
Congratz Group 2..

All the juniors started to get friendly with seniors..
We as seniors were happy with them as some of them were funny and sporting..
Although some of them were ARROGANT and have an ANNOYING GROUP OF PEOPLE here but we have to accept who they are..
Some of the juniors went anywhere with the seniors like climbing the hills together, playing captainball together, eat together and ANYTHING together..Just joking..hehe..


The pics will show everything,..

                                                 E Facilitator Tag for Junior's Orientation Week

                                                Nader posing for Gaga's Group Facilitator
                                                           GaGa's Facilitators Group

                                                  Corinth, Geraldine and Evangeline

                                                          Ricky, E, Willy and Gyver

                                               Korean Sweet Couple-Ricky and Amy

                                            Ricky posing with the Chicken Rice Shop's mascot

                                               Jude and Wayne at the Chicken Rice Shop


                                                             Ricky, Jude and Wayne

                                                             Haziq from Sarawak

                                                     B-shakers United Members

                                                              Willy, Shamin and Jude

                                                       Shafiq aka Ca Pek and Ricky

I'm happy and relieved because I saw a good relationship between juniors and seniors..
Hope it will maintain till the end and create a new memory that always be rememberred..
So sad, touching, loving and squeezing another..

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