Sunday, November 27, 2011

E Life in Bali..SECRET REVEALED!!!!! Chapter 2

As an intro, I wanna ask u guys...
Did u believe relationship can be build in seconds???
Well, it proves a lot to me when the persons that are not so close and I just know them for the first time become close to us after that..
It happens with all my JPA frenz..
Hafiz, Syahir, Azri and Syafiqah......
I become close to them after we all selected to go to Universitas Udayana together after A Level..
Tasya, Huda and Zulaikha..
I didn't know them at first but now they are my close frenz..
I really happy that I have them as my frenz here...
JPA and Private students..
We are not different from one another...
We did not isolate ourselves from them juz become we are a scholar..
We are all the same with one mission..
To become a Doctor..
I love to make frenz with them too..
40 of us...

Wanna see some pics to prove it..Here we are..

Wait for the next chapter as I revealed my next activity and my favourite one..
Gala Night..

<3 E


  1. olla, eric!!

    em, thanks upload gambar (:

    tp, huhu, leh x tukar color font? x dpt kepuasan ble baca post. huhu.

    teruskan mengupdate. i've already inserted your link in my list of friends (:

  2. Hey it's great to know that you're doing great in Bali there! Continue to update your blog about your life there, and do your best to be an awesome doctor, doctor E how cool is that!
